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What is Access Control List in Linux

Access Control List Concept

Access Control List means permissions restricting access to a file are limited to file owner, members of a single group, or any other. The owner of file can set ACL's on individual files or directories(folder). 

How To View ACLs Setting

getfacl command is used to display ACL settings on a file. Before that let me explain what is meaning of getfacl word. facl means File Access Control List. To display ACL settings on a file, use following command.
Syntax: getfacl filename
Example: getfacl mastet.txt
You will see output like as below. Before watching output let me explain meaning of rwx.
r means read permission, w means write permission and x means execute permission.
# file: mastet.txt
# owner: student
# group: unity
user: :rwx
user: robert:---
user: 2900:-wx
group: r-x
group: santra:r--
group: 2120:rwx
Now let me explain above example step by step.
First Three lines that identify the file name(master.txt), owner(student) and group owner name(unity).
Next Three lines in above example student if file owner. student has rwx permission. User robert has No Permission(---). User 2900 has -wx permission.
Next Three lines indicates Group entries. Group-owner permissions: unity has r-x permission. Named group santra has r-- permission. GID 2120 has rwx permission.

How To Changing ACL File Permissions

setfacl command is used to add, modify or remove standard ACLs on files and directories. Let's see which representation of permissions are used on file.
"r" for read, "w" for write and "x" for execute.

How to add or modify a user ACL

setfacl -m u:name:rw file
setfacl means set File Access Control List for file or directory. -m means modify, u means user, name is name of owner, rw means read write  permission granted for user and file means name of file on which your want to set permission for particular user.

How to add or modify a group ACL

 setfacl -m g:name:rw file
 -m means modify, g means group, name is name of group owner, rw means read write  permission granted for user and file means name of file on which your want to set permission for particular user.
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How Delete an ACL

-x symbol is used to delete ACL for particular file or directory.
setfacl -x u:name file

Controlling default ACL file permission

A directory have default ACLs set on it that are automatically accessed by all new files and new sub directories
setfacl -m d:u:name:rx directory
This adds a default named user d:u:name with read-only permission and execute permission on directories. d symbol indicates default ACLs setting on particular file or directory.

Deleting default ACLs

Deleting a default ACL is also same as deleting a standard ACL, -x used to remove default ACL settings on file.

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