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Showing posts with label Change File or Folder Permission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change File or Folder Permission. Show all posts

Change File or Folder Permission with cPanel

Permissions and ownership errors

A 403 Forbidden error can also be caused by incorrect ownership or permissions on your files and folders.

Rule of thumb for correct permissions:

Folders: 755
Files: 644

Linux permissions can be represented by numbers, letters, or words. They also include an entry for Owner, Group, and Everyone.

755 stands for Owner: read, write, execute; Group: read, execute; Everyone: read, execute
644 stands for Owner: read, write; Group: read, Everyone: read

How to change file or folder permission using cPanel

1. Login to cPanel.
2. Go to File Manager
3. Go to public_html directory.
4. Right click on the file or folder you want to change permission and select.
5. Click "Change Permissions" Option. And Tick Mark on box for permission.

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