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Showing posts with label Red Hat Linux LVM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Hat Linux LVM. Show all posts

Red Hat Linux LVM


There are Four steps needed to create a usable Logical Volume.
1. Prepare the physical device.
2. Create a physical volume.
3. Create a volume group.
4. Create a logical volume.

Create Logical Volume of 400 MiB.
1. Create the physical resource.
  1.1 Use fdisk to create partition.
            # fdisk /dev/vdb
  1.2 Create the Primary partition.
            # n
            # p
            # 1
            # Enter
            # +500M
   1.3. Change partition type to Linux LVM 8e.
            # t
            # 1
            # 8e
   1.4. Write changes to the partition table.
            # w
   1.5. Use partprobe to register new partition.
            # partprobe
2. Create physical volumes.
            # pvcreate /dev/vdb1
3. Create Volume Group.
            # vgcreate shazam /dev/vdb1
             shazam is the name of Volume Group
4. Create the Logical Volume.
            # lvcreate –n storage –L 400M shazam
             Storage is the name of Logical Volume, -L is used to gives size of Logical Volume.

How to Create Logical Volume in Linux

5. Add a Persistent File System.
  5.1 Use mkfs to place file system on storage LV.
            # mkfs –t xfs /dev/shazam/storage
            -t is used to set file system type,xfs is file system type,/dev/shazam/storage is path of Logical Volume.
  5.2 Use mkdir to create a mount point at /storage.
            # mkdir /storage
  5.3 Configure /etc/fstab
            # vim /etc/fstab
            /dev/shazam/storage    /storage            xfs       defaults           0          0
  5.4 Use mount to verify the /etc/fstab entry and mount the new storage LV device.
            # mount –a
6. Verify the Logical Volume is successfully mounted at specified point.
            # df –h /storage

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