pwd is a Print Working Directory. pwd command determine the absolute path name of the current location. pwd command displays current location.
Ex. root@ [/home]# pwd
In above example, we are at /var/www/html directory.
Ex. root@ [/home]# pwd
How to Change Present Working Directory
To change Print Working Directory use cd command.
Ex. root@ [~]# cd /var/www/
Now Print Working Directory is /var/www
Means if we create any file or folder which will create under /www directory. We have seen how to move one or two steps back to home directory.
Ex. root@ [~]# cd /var/www/
Now Print Working Directory is /var/www
Means if we create any file or folder which will create under /www directory. We have seen how to move one or two steps back to home directory.
Related Commands
cd: Used to Change Directory
chown: Used to Change Owner of file and Directory
find: Used to find files by name, time